Can I Have All My Teeth Removed And Replaced With Implants?

The short answer is, yes. You can get a brand new set of teeth if you have been dealing with tooth loss for years and wish you could have your teeth replaced. This can be done through implant surgery by a qualified dentist.

The dentists at Columbia River Dental understand that missing teeth can negatively impact your confidence and self-esteem. We specialize in dental implants and can help you restore your smile through our effective implant surgery process.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants are small medical devices or structures surgically placed in your jawbone to restore your ability to chew and improve your appearance. The purpose of these implants is to support your artificial teeth, like dentures, bridges, and crowns.

Implants have been around for decades and have become a popular choice for most patients because they look and feel much more like natural teeth. They function like your natural teeth, meaning they require less maintenance and have no food restrictions.

Why Should You Choose Implants Over Dentures?

Traditional dentures are held together with a combination of denture adhesive and natural suction and need to be removed from time to time for cleaning. Dentures can also take several months to prepare and often have a tendency to shift when you’re speaking or eating. Unlike dentures, dental implants are firmly installed and are permanent.

You don’t need to remove them for cleaning either. Proper oral hygiene routines and regular exams will help keep your implants in good shape. Dental implants are more comfortable than dentures and operate as your regular teeth.

Am I The Right Candidate For Full Arch Dental Implants?

At your initial assessment at Columbia River Dental, Dr. Jonathan Feller will examine your mouth to determine if you’re suitable for complete arch implants. The doctor will outline what the entire procedure involves, the cost, and the potential risks, so you can know what to expect.

The dentist will also examine your oral history to see if you’re the right candidate for implants. You must be in good health with healthy gum tissues to be considered for dental implant treatment. If you’re eligible for dental implant restoration, your dentist will work with you to create a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. 

How Long Do Implants Last?

Dental implants are a long-term dental restoration solution to tooth loss. On average, they can last anywhere between 20 and 30 years. Of course, the lifespan of your dental implants will depend on how well you maintain your teeth and dental hygiene.

Request a Free Consultation with Columbia River Dental

If you would want your damaged teeth to be removed and replaced with implants, you can trust the friendly team at Columbia River Dental to do a perfect job. Call us at (541) 296-2581 to book your appointment today and discuss your dental implant needs with our lead dentist, Dr. Jonathan Feller.