Can My Teeth Shift After Getting Dental Implants

Your dental implant process is complete and you are excited to showcase your new smile. But, as you start using your new set of teeth, you swear that you can feel them move in your mouth. 

Is such a thing even possible? Can teeth shift after getting a dental implant? 

No, Your Teeth Shouldn't Shift

Your teeth shouldn't move after getting an implant, although it can certainly feel that way. 

That strange sensation you are experiencing now is normal and should go away on its own in a couple of days. 

Think about it this way: your teeth got used to the missing space and now there's a dental crown there putting pressure on them. Your teeth aren't moving, they are just getting used to the new artificial tooth next to them. 

What If Your Teeth Are Truly Shifting? 

If the discomfort doesn't go away in a few days and you are certain that your teeth truly are moving, then you should get in touch with Dr. Jonathan Feller as soon as possible. Shifting teeth after an implant can be a sign that something is wrong. 

  • Improper Placement: For example, if the implant is improperly placed, it could create pressure on the adjacent teeth, causing them to move.
  • Bone Loss: Another reason for shifting teeth after a dental implant is bone loss. Your dentist will make sure that you have enough bone mass to support the implant, but if they underestimated the amount, then it can affect the artificial tooth.
  • Peri-implantitis: One of the most common causes of implant failure is peri-implantitis, a type of gum disease that affects the soft tissue surrounding the implant. It's usually caused by poor oral hygiene prior to and following the implant. 
  • Orthodontic Treatment: If you had orthodontic treatment before or after getting dental implants, your teeth might continue to shift as a result of the forces applied during the treatment.
  • Malocclusions: An improper bite can also affect the way your teeth and implant coexist in your mouth. If your bite is not properly aligned after receiving dental implants, it might lead to shifting of teeth over time.

 When Should I Call My Dentist? 

As we said, the sensation that your teeth are shifting is usually normal. But, if the discomfort lasts for more than 72 hours and is accompanied by bleeding, pain, and an implant that feels loose, then it's imperative to see your dentist immediately. 

Get Superior Implant Dentistry in The Dalles, OR 

Although implant failure is possible, it's extremely rare. But, just to be on the safe side, make sure to get treatment from a dentist who has extensive experience and only uses high-quality materials, like Dr. Jonathan Feller

If you want to learn more about the dental implant process and find out if you are a good candidate, get in touch with Columbia River Dental now.