Teeth Bonding Advantages and Disadvantages

When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, you have quite a few treatment options that can help you enhance your smile. One popular procedure is dental bonding

This procedure involves the application of a tooth-colored composite resin to improve the appearance of a tooth. The appeal of dental bonding is that it's non-invasive, effective, and it can usually be done in one appointment. 

But, is it the right solution? Here are some of the pros and cons of dental bonding. 

Dental Bonding Advantages

Dental bonding offers some interesting benefits: 

  • It's Cost-Effective

Teeth bonding is one of the most affordable cosmetic dental procedures. It can be an excellent option for those who want to make minor adjustments to their smile without breaking the bank.

  • Convenient and Quick

Dental bonding is a very straightforward process. The dentist applies the resin, molds it, hardens it, and then polishes it. Depending on the number of teeth you are treating, all this can be completed in a single visit. This saves time compared to procedures like veneers or crowns that require a lab to create the dental work.

  • Non-invasive

Teeth bonding involves minimal alteration of the natural tooth. The procedure requires the least amount of enamel removal compared to veneers and crowns.

  • Painless 

Because the treatment is non-invasive, it doesn't require anesthesia either, making it a more comfortable procedure for patients.

Dental Bonding Disadvantages

Dental bonding has some downsides too:

  • Not as Durable

The composite resin used in dental bonding isn't as strong or durable as your natural teeth or other restorative options like crowns or veneers. It can chip or break off the tooth and usually doesn't last as long. Dental bonding has an average lifespan of 5 to 15 years compared to veneers, which can last even 20 years with proper care. 

  • They Stain Faster 

Unlike porcelain veneers, dental bonding is more susceptible to staining. You will have to limit the consumption of items like coffee, tea, red wine, tomato sauce, berries, and so on.

  • It Can Only Fix Minor Cosmetic Imperfections 

While bonding can significantly improve the appearance of a tooth, it might not be the best choice for major cosmetic changes. 

  • They Require Regular Maintenance

Bonded teeth need to be taken care of just like your natural teeth. This includes brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups. Additionally, habits such as chewing on objects or biting your fingernails can damage the bonding material.

Is Dental Bonding Right for Me? 

We can only give you an answer after we examine your oral health and have an honest conversation about your needs and expectations. At Columbia River Dental, we want our patients to get the best dental care and ensure that they will enjoy lasting results. This could mean that you may not receive the treatment you were expecting but something even better. 

If you want to learn more about bonding and whether this is the right treatment for you, contact us today to book your appointment with Dr. Jonathan Feller.